Our Constitution
Consist of up to a maximum of 12 members with new members appointed according to a democratic & inclusive process comprising of a mix of independent fans & representatives from key supporter groups ensuring the high standard of representation of the club's broad & diverse fanbase at all times.
The Statutory Board Members will consist of two / one representative from each of the following groups: Cardiff City Disabled Supporters, Cardiff City Supporters Club, Cardiff City Supporters Trust and one member from Corporate, sponsor or stakeholder area, these will have a permanent space on the FAB Board. The election for the individual attending on behalf of these groups will be every 3 years, with their election process transparent to all. The current individuals can be re-nominated by their group.
Fan Elected Members are subject to retirement by rotation ensuring that there is regular turnover of members whilst ensuring that there are a number of experienced members on the FAB at any given time therefore at least six members will retire every two years.
All FAB members will sign a confidentiality agreement with the club.
The FAB will aim to meet at least quarterly with the Club, but this can increase on agreement between Cardiff City and the FAB. These meetings will be with all the FAB Committee along with club representatives including the CEO, the elected FAB Co-Chair from Cardiff City & other senior Club member to discuss & share views on off -field/business including financial matters as well as meeting as a group as often as is considered necessary.
A quorum of two thirds of FAB members will be required for meetings to take place. All board members not present, are to be consulted outside of the meeting & their vote obtained by the Chair. Chair, will be on a two-year period, with the timeline starting August 2024. The timeline will be reviewed within the FAB Committee, Vice Chair and Secretary selected in line with timeline agreed by the FAB Committee This will be done online privately and anonymously
All Officers shall be members of the Committee with full voting rights.All members shall be entitled to stand for election for any Officer or Committee member position.
Election of the committee of Cardiff City FAB shall be held in a manner agreed upon by a majority of the FAB committee.
A Committee member shall declare an interest in any contract or matter in which s/he has a personal material or financial interest, whether directly or indirectly, and shall not vote in respect of any decision relating to that matter.
The Committee shall strive to ensure that Cardiff City FC’s structures, meetings, communications mechanisms and employment policies respect and promote the concept of equal opportunities.
The Committee shall establish sub-committees as it considers necessary. Each sub-committee shall appoint an existing CCFCFAB member to chair it with the title of Project Lead, as agreed by the CCFCFAB committee, to report on the activities and decisions of that sub-committee. Unless previously agreed, sub committees’ decisions must be endorsed by the Committee before they are acted upon.
The Committee shall establish or support charitable trusts, associations, or institutions in line with the objectives of Cardiff City FC.
The Committee has the power to do all such lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objectives.
A Memorandum of Understanding will be signed between CCFC FAB and Cardiff City Co-chair. This can be reviewed annually.
The FAB will consult with CCFC over the following areas:
•Competition matters
•Enhancing the fan experience
•Stadium development and projects
•Sustainability, corporate and social responsibility initiatives
•Improving fan products and services
•Football governance.
•History and heritage
The FAB will communicate regularly with fans via a section of its own website, https://www.cardiffcityfab.co.uk/ which will contain as minimum contact details for the FAB, bios of all FAB members, details of forthcoming meetings including the agenda & the agreed minutes of each meeting. Additional formal communication will be provided using appropriate media channels.
The objectives of CCFC FAB shall be to:
•Represent CCFC supporters on issues decided by its members through a process of Structured Dialogue with Cardiff City FC.
•Establish and maintain channels of communication with the Owners, Executives, Management and Representatives of Cardiff City FC.
•Promote, maintain and value the history and identity of Cardiff City FC and its supporters.
•Encourage the Owners, Executives, Management and Representatives of Cardiff City FC to appreciate, welcome and value the support and participation of all Cardiff City fans and ensure that equal opportunities are promoted for all supporters.
•Affiliate to appropriate national and international football supporters’ organisations.
•Represent Cardiff City FC supporters in national structured dialogue via appropriate platforms.
The FAB will require its members to sign a code of conduct when elected, adhere to the following values & code of conduct
•In their dealings with each other, the CCFC fan base and CCFC employees, treating people politely, fairly and with respect in all forms of verbal and written communication (including social media);
•In all dealings with each other and when representing the FAB, refrain from using discriminatory language and behaviour, including upholding at all times the protected characteristics of others as set out in current Equalities legislation.
At FAB meetings:
•Accepting the authority of the chair of any meeting.
•Listening to the views of colleagues and Club employees with an open mind, seeking advice or clarification where needed, expressing their own views, and coming to their own decision on individual matters in good faith in what they believe to be in the best interests of the Club and CCFC fan base.
•Not resorting to behaviour that could be considered to be discriminatory, offensive, aggressive or intimidating.
•Keeping to the agenda, raising other issues under ‘any other business’ according to agreed procedures, and not engaging in discussions during the meeting which are not relevant to the issues of the meeting.
•Attend FAB meetings held bi-monthly usually at the stadium.
•Actively contribute to discussions with senior club officials covering off field business & financial matters at the club & challenge when appropriate.
•Be available to listen to fellow supporters & relay non confidential information to our fanbase
•Follow the club's EDI policy aiming to be as diverse as possible reflecting the make-up of the club's fanbase & promoting equality, diversity & inclusiveness within the FAB, fanbase & Cardiff City Football Club
FAB members will observe the following obligations of confidentiality:
•They will not disclose any information outside the FAB unless it is already in the public domain, or they are specifically authorised to do so.
•They will not use any such information for personal advantage
.•Unless so authorised, they will not pass information to any representative of the press or media, and will refer any press or media enquiries to the appropriate person; and
•They will take proper care of any documents they receive as FAB members and store them securely.Conflicts of InterestFAB members must disclose any material interest which they, their spouse or partner, close family member, or close friend or business associate holds in any:
•Business which is providing goods or services to CCFC; and
•Public body or voluntary organisation with which CCFC has or is likely to have any dealings.
Unless a prior decision is taken to the contrary, no FAB member may take part in any discussion on a matter in which they have an interest.Breaches of Code and Complaint Procedure
All FAB members accept that they must comply with this Code if the FAB is to be able to function properly and efficiently and do its job.
Where a FAB member is alleged to be in breach of any element of this Code or the FAB Terms and Conditions the process laid out in the FAB Complaints Policy should be followedWork & communicate as a team to Treat fellow FAB members, fans, club officials & everyone else with respect.
Promote equality, diversity & inclusiveness within the FAB, our fanbase & Cardiff City FC
The following behaviours will be considered as unacceptable resulting in suspension & disciplinary action against a FAB member with possible action including expulsion to be decided by a disciplinary panel containing one independent third party appointed by the Chair (or Vice Chair should the Chair be the subject to an investigation):-
Breach of confidentiality
•Discrimination, Bullying, personal abuse or harassment
•Disruptive conduct
•Bringing CCFC or FAB into disrepute in any way including inappropriate use of personal social media
The decision of the disciplinary panel will be final. Constitution & policies will be subject to ongoing review by all FAB members with amendments made as agreed & appropriate requiring two thirds majority.
The decision on how to conduct an election shall be decided upon and publicised to Cardiff City FC supporters no less than 21 days before an AGM / EGM. This includes but is not limited to both physical and online options to enable a ballot of the entire Cardiff City membership.
The manner of and time period in which the election is held, is for agreement between the committee members of CCFC FABCategories for the voting will be setup to include:
•Member under 25yrs old
•Female Member
•General Member – All Age Groups
Numbers of those selected will be agreed in advance by the committee.
The result of the election shall be ratified by majority vote of members online / physical ballot.A prospective nominee must submit a CV & covering letter together with 5 nominations from fellow supporters to ccfcfab@gmail.com or in person to the Cardiff City FC Ticket Office at the Cardiff City stadium.
Both the prospective nominee & those providing nominations must have an active ticketing history of attending at least three home games during the previous twelve months.
Supporters may nominate more than one individual & must provide their full name, postcode, contact phone number & supporter number.
Applications will be considered by the existing members of FAB who will form a short list of at least four nominees in each group who will be invited to meet the FAB. Existing members will vote to select the successful candidate(s) with a two thirds majority required.
Election procedures will be reviewed at least annually along with the constitution of the FAB with a two thirds majority required for amendments to be made.